It’s been a very eventful few days here at our business. In fact, I have so much to tell you it’s too much all in one go.
So, I will drip feed the information over the next couple of weeks…
Event number one is the wonderful news that our elder daughter Sara Beth Reynolds has been awarded the Beverly Babb Award for Extraordinary Service by the Global Speakers Association (GSF).
This is a very prestigious award, and it would have been lovely to have seen her presented with the award in the USA in front of thousands of attendees at their Global Convention. However, it was Sara Beth’s sons ninth birthday so naturally she stayed at home.
The award recognises her outstanding contribution of service and instead she was presented the award in front of a packed house at the Professional Speaker’s Association Conference here in the UK last weekend.
Whilst we are proud parents its very clear that others recognise her outstanding skills and expertise in running events on behalf of organisations both large and small.
Something we will shout about more in the next couple of weeks but for now let’s bathe in her recognition.
However, it may be that right now you are thinking of attending an event or even speaking at it. There are many things you can do to improve your chances of success both personally and professionally and below is a complimentary eBook from Sara Beth to help you along the way.
And of course, if you need a hand with an event in some way just let me know!
Or of course contact Sara Beth - here is our new website MMC EVENTS
Until the next time…